If you’re not satisfied with your order or have simply changed your mind, you can return any unopened products to us. As long as the item is still in its original condition, we accept returns, subject to the terms below.
Please return your item within 28 days of receiving and we will offer you a full refund to your original payment method, at the price you paid for the product. Please note we will not refund any postage you may have paid on the original order.
You can return items to us FREE of charge in the UK using Royal Mail Post Office, You will need to enter your order number, name, address and email address. Please retain your proof of postage.
Please Royal Mail Post Office . If you encounter any difficulties using the Royal Mail Post Office system please do not hesitate to contact us.
If you receive any items which are faulty or damaged or an incorrect item, please contact Customer Service via the email address or telephone number below within 28 days of receiving your order. Make sure you do not dispose of any broken items as we will require photographic evidence to support any claims for damages. Once this has been provided, we will offer a full refund or replacement.
Engraved products cannot be returned unless they are faulty or damaged.
To contact our Customer Service team please email contact@myperfumemarket.co.uk or call +44 20 7097 2221 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday and 10.00am to 4.00pm Saturday.
Monday - Friday/ 9:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday/ 10:00am - 4:00pm